Sunday, January 4, 2015

If you know me

If you know me...
you would know that I'd rather go hiking than bowling,
you would know that I try to be as real as I can,
you would know that I try to make something before I buy it,
you would know that I freaking love ksl, 
you would know that I love my four chickens and I don't give a crap that my rooster wakes my neighbors up every morning.
you would know that I have a horse saddle but no horse,
you would know that I will one day own a farm,
you would know that I will live far away from people when I'm older,
you would know that I'll die with my boots on, I'll make sure of it,
you would know that I love God and all of his creations,
anddddd ya. Im not sure how to end this. I'm James Burns. 

I remember

I remember when life was as simple,
waking up when you please to a meal and warm hugs,
I remember when the words you said had no affect on peoples feelings,
you were to young and innocent to be taken seriously,
I remember when we had no doubts,
when we believed everything.
I remember when knowledge didn't matter,
but rather your heart.