Monday, December 8, 2014


The only place you can be where the stresses of society don't scratch at your front door,
Where your problems seem to fade away as the sounds of birds seem to stream in,
A place that is constantly under attack by steel and dollar bills,
The place where you can be alone but not,
because Gods marks are everywhere you just have to see them
The only place that hasn't been polluted by the world,
The only place that is perfectly imperfect,
The trees don't have all the leaves,
The dirt has rocks and twigs in it,
The air smells like pine and mud,
The water isn't as clear as it could be,
The birds don't sing in sync,
it's far from perfect, but it's not supposed to be.
And thats why it is.


  1. So true. you have so many great posts, and this is one of them. Plus that picture is blowing my mind, its so beautiful even if in a sad way

  2. "Because gods marks are every where you just have to see them"

